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Email Inventor?

We are live in digital world. The numbers of Internet users are increasing every second. E-Mail users also increase every time, but do you know who invent the electronic mail (E-Mail)? The contemporary historian recently found new evidence about who invent and use and send E-Mail for the first time. Please take a closer look this picture as seen below:
Steve Job from Apple, Bill Gate from Microsoft, Intel, AMD, Linux and other king in IT industry will meet in a special conference in Bali to discuss about who invent and sent E-Mail for the first time in the world. They never knew the real man behind the E-Mail invention. So, you should grateful and thankful to Mr. EMAIL SUAREZ. Do you know him?


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Unknown said…
Hallo John!
Thank you very much for commenting on my blog!
Your blog is a GENIAL and funny blog! Carry on!

Fabietto ;)
Cyndy said…
Hi John,
Love your blogs! Extremely creative and entertaining. Thanks for the nice comment on mine.
dodo said…
LOL! Very good!

Thanks for visiting my blog!
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