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The Untold Story

Best Friends Young George Bush & Saddam Husein As we know, George Bush, the American president asked his army to attack and invade Iraq. We also believe that Saddam Hussein, former Iraqi President has met his end at the ropes. Bush attacked Iraq because he got fake reports that Iraq possessed many deadly weapons. After the war, we also got another report that the weapon never existed at all. Well, this history is very bad, but you must know the untold story. A contemporary historian found some pictures in an old house in Texas, USA. The same pictures were also discovered in Baghdad, Iraq. The historians crosschecked the authenticity of those pictures. They used the latest tools and a brand new computer with sophisticated software and a special scanner to make sure that those pictures are original. After a long examination and very complicated discussion, the

Natural Massage

If you are tired and need a real massage to recover from fatigue, just visit this “Natural Massage”. You can find this excellent service in your city. You must make a call first before you go there. After the massage you will more fresh and ready to do anything. OPEN 24 HOURS

Email Inventor?

We are live in digital world. The numbers of Internet users are increasing every second. E-Mail users also increase every time, but do you know who invent the electronic mail (E-Mail)? The contemporary historian recently found new evidence about who invent and use and send E-Mail for the first time. Please take a closer look this picture as seen below: Steve Job from Apple, Bill Gate from Microsoft, Intel, AMD, Linux and other king in IT industry will meet in a special conference in Bali to discuss about who invent and sent E-Mail for the first time in the world. They never knew the real man behind the E-Mail invention. So, you should grateful and thankful to Mr. EMAIL SUAREZ. Do you know him?

Let's start a joke

What kind of jokes that can make you laugh? Is a cartoon in newspaper can make you smile? A man with a sense of humor is a healthy man. An intelligent person can use his humor to make money. There a lot of success persons who can make money because they successful in entertainment world. Lucy Ball (Lucy Show), Charlie Chaplin, Bob Hope, Danny de Vito, etc are funny people who made a lot of money from their movie or on the stage. In digital era another funny actors such as Robin Williams, Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean), Jim Carrey, etc also entertain us with their movie or TV series. You can find their movie on HD DVD, DVD or Blue-Ray format, so you can watch and learn how to create a joke. In social event such as family gathering, wedding party, birth day party, a joke or a story with humor touch is very important to make those event happier. Without jokes the party will be dry. Can you imagine this situation? Jokes or humor has many categories and rela
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